Thursday, June 02, 2005


I've found a few interesting Podcasts in my research into online ministry. Here are some of the more interesting ones.

A discussion among people (usually 20-somethings) who have left the church about church and religion. Recent quote "I don't want to minimize what youth pastors do but I think to some degree it really is crowd control more than anything."

The Christian and the Atheist:
A respectful and open conversation about religion and faith issues between a Christian and an Atheist

Peering Into Darkness:
It's like the Art Bell show for Christians. It's way out there and sometimes it seems like an ad for the co-hosts series of books but still very interesting.

Newb notes: Podcasting is home-brew audio programming on demand. Think Tivo for independent radio. No you don't need an iPod. Godcasts are just a subset of the general Podcasting community that focuses on subjects of a religious nature. Here are a few articles on it.

BusinessWeek: Need a Lift? Try a Godcast
The State : Finding God on your iPod
Podcasting News: Godcasting: The Podcast's Killer App?
Google: Look for yourself

If you're into this stuff and you've found any other interesting
"Godcasts" please let me know.


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