Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Teens and blogging

Battle Cry has an interesting story about teens and blogging. Teenagers don't think their parent's are reading their blog and they are probably right. Many teenagers treat their blog as a journal where they spill out their feelings and hurts online. Teens understand the open nature of the Internet though and reading their blog isn't an invasion of their privacy. Spilling their guts online is, in a way therapeutic.

"...one third of the students at the middle school have blogs, and only 5% of their parents know about it."

So what are teens writing and what can parents learn by reading? Check out the "Battle Cry for a Generation" web site for more information.

Web link: "What are teens blogging?"



At 3:51 PM, Anonymous Carol Anne said...

I just found my cousin on MySpace. She listed her sexual orientation as bi and her religion as atheist. I am going to talk to her about it, but it just upsets me so much!


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