Monday, January 15, 2007

The Camera as an Instrument

I think have some type of weird addiction.

Around me right now is a guitar, drums and a keyboard. This computer get used mostly for graphics and writing in on various web sites. To my right I have a box where I keep pencils, charcoal and pastels for sketching. And, in the backpack on the floor I have my newest outlet... my digital camera.

I've had film and digital cameras before. My new digital gives me a lot of creative flexibility and with well laid out controls. With the digital I get instant feedback that I never got from my film SLR. I carry it with me almost everywhere now. I guess I'm a little afraid that I might see something beautiful and not be equipped to capture it.

As I began to get comfortable with the controls of the camera I began to see a similarity between the enjoyment I get from taking pictures and playing guitar. As "instruments" both the camera and the guitar require some practice to use them correctly at all. I also believe that I'll not live long enough to master either one.

Behind the guitar I use the same chords that everyone else plays to experiment with different styles, strumming, and technique. Though the chords are common, I try to create something unique. The music I make sounds good to me and expresses something, usually a mood. The camera is pretty much the same thing. I see the same scenes with my eyes that everyone else sees. The camera lets me control framing, light and focus to create something unique.

Right now I'm very happy that I'm just getting better snapshots of the family. But the more I practice the more I want to want to use my camera to take photos that are personal and have feeling. I want to take pictures that are songs.

Mills Family Photos (login required)


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