Thursday, March 31, 2005

It was good day...

Man, the weather was great today.

Tonight, when I got to church the power was off in the building so we had our youth group meeting in the back of my pick-up truck. I cracked the driver-side door so that the bed light would stay on. We started out with some "Would Youth Rather..." questions. Then, we played a ridiculous game about buying a duck. We concluded with a devotional and a time of prayer. Youth group in the back of an F-150 was actually pretty cool.

When I got home and Alias came on it was a terrific episode where Sydney is burried alive in Havanna and the APO team is under lockdown because of a biohazard release in their offices. So who has to come to Sydney's rescue? Marshall! Marshall is the best. He had to dig out a bad guy's eye with a spork to get past retina scan based encryption on the bad guy's computer network. That's right, he saved Sydney Bristow's life with a homemade cellphone scanner, THEN he saved Hong Kong from a massive bio-terror attack with a spork. It was a whole show with Marshall as the lead character and it rocked!

Tomorrow night Survivor is on. It doesn't get much better than that.


At 10:53 AM, Anonymous Carol Anne said...

Man, I wish I could get back into ALias. It is a great show! Jamie is encouraging me to limit my tc watching though...

At 10:53 AM, Anonymous CAO said...

I mean tv....


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