Sunday, March 20, 2005

Still not a preacher

So I had to speak tonight at Church...

I took Chris' advice and made sure the Church got out on time. OK, they got out a half an hour early. My 5 pages of notes condensed down to maybe twenty minutes of actual talk time. That's probably because it felt like I was speaking about a mile a minute.

Oh well, I gave it the best I had. I can't make it work on my own anyway. The Holy Spirit has to take over and make something of it. If God was able to speak to someone's spiritual need in my twenty minutes of spluttering then all the praise belongs to Him.

I did learn this though, Next time I'll put my notes in a binder so they don't get out of order. Doh!


At 11:11 AM, Anonymous Carol Anne said...

Ugh. I hate "speaking". I am always amazed that after I stumble through it that people come up and tell me how much they enjoyed it/got so much out of it. I think they are either being polite or fell asleep and had God visit them in a vision.


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