Friday, June 24, 2005


"Messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) annual meeting approved a resolution to end an eight-year boycott of Disney."

Source: Biblical Recorder

Finally, we can come out of that dark age and begin to put back together our shredded dignity. Perhaps we can even regain some some perception of relevance in these modernist times. Yes, the Baptist boycott of Mickey Mouse has come to an end.

In hindsight, it was pretty ridiculous wasn't it? From day one I was embarrassed by the convention's decision to make boycotting Disney a major issue for Southern Baptists. And from the beginning I was appalled at the way Baptist leaders misrepresented the Disney company to their assemblies and congregations. I guess it's fitting that, in the end, Baptist leaders declared the boycot has been "effective" even though it has effected no change whatsoever in the policies of the Walt Disney Company. It's one more half-truth to cap off an eight year history of distortion.

The convention huffed and puffed but the Mouse House took no notice of thier blustering.

The Walt Disney Company has suffered from a lack of vision under the direction of outgoing CEO Michael Eisner. Perhaps, new management will bring a fresh new energy to Disney's entertainment product and when it does Southern Baptists won't have to feel guilty if they enjoy it (just in time for Narnia too).

Boycott Wire


At 3:22 PM, Blogger Pastor Chris said...

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At 3:26 PM, Blogger Pastor Chris said...

Well, I too am glad. No need not throw the baby out with the bath water. I can say one thing, you are no fair weather friend. You stuck with ol' Mickey and the gang through the whole mess and that shows you have character-get it :)

At 11:16 PM, Blogger Greg Mills said...

Where's a rim shot when ou need it :)

I love that the Convention drops their boycott one day and the very next day I'm taking a bus of kids from VBS to go see the new Herbie movie!


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