Today I read a quote from the Koran that said...
"Nearest among men in love to the believers will you find those who say, ‘We are Christians’: because amongst these are men devoted to learning and men who have renounced the world, and they are not arrogant"
I'd I give you a reference to the exact passage but I'm not sure that I would get it right because I don't understand their notation. And, I will admit that I am taking the verse out of context because the next section goes on to describe how a true Christian will break down into tears when he hears the revelation of Muhammad and know that it is true and become a believer in Islam.
So anyway, the Koran calls Christians "devoted to learning," having "renounced the world" and "not arrogant." All of these are high compliments. The Koran also says that Christians are "nearest in love" to Muslims. So why does it seem like so many of them want to kill us?
Mustafa Akyol, writing in the December issue of "The American Enterprise" magazine says that it's not that Muslims despise Christianity, what they are trying to stop is the spread of modernism and secular western culture. In fact, he implies that if American's were more rooted in thier historic Christian values they probably wouldn't have been a target. America exports materialism, consumerism and humanism to the rest of the world. Our music, and films often ridicule God and religious principals. Is it any wonder they think most of us are selfish heathens and those of us that do claim to follow God are mostly putting on a superficial show of piety?
So the battle that Islam is fighting is the same "culture war" that most Christians in America are struggling against. They have thier radical fringe groups that go about it with violence. Compare those to the people here who call themselves Christians and bomb abortion clinics. It does seem to me that the radicals in Islam are more numerous, better organized and better funded than our home grown Christian terrorists.
Personally, I'd like to see more Muslims condemning acts of terrorism. To often, I hear "but Isreal..." "but Palestine..." Please stop making excuses for the murder of innocent people. If Islam is a religion of peace then prove it by your actions. There is evil in the World and it has to be confronted but how is it conquered by the murder of innocent people?
Ok, I can think of one example where evil was defeated by the shedding of innocent blood. That was one life and it was God's to give.
Terrorism is a campaign of murder and it is not justified and excused by a people who love the Lord. It would be hard for a Christian in America to say "nearest among men in love to Christians are the Muslims." I would like to think that it is true but the memory of 9/11, and videos of decapitations in Iraq are the face of Islam that I see every day.