Sunday, July 09, 2006

Southern Baptists and Blogging... Controversial?

Outgoing SBC President Bobby Welch had this to say in his farewell speech.

"what if we'd spend less time on these websites that we'd be able to spend more time witnessing? Do you think if we spent less time blogging we might have more time to do some baptizing? Do you think if we spent less time fumbling around with those computers we might have more converts?"(1)

This is precisely why established churches in mainline denominations are declining in numbers. It is not just technological ignorance, it is cultural ignorance. The internet reaches people and builds relationships. When Miami was podcasting we reached more people every week through the podcast that we did in our building. That is the power of the Internet. It is a communication medium that should be employed by the church not derided by it.

Bobby, maybe if you spent more time blogging then more pastors on a local level would have caught your vision for witnessing and more people would have been converted. Instead, well... now you have more time to do it yourself.

(1) Spero News: Southern Baptist president attacks technology
More Reading: Google News on Baptists and Blogging

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Scripture Memorization on Google.

Many people have Google set as the homepage in their web browser. You may also know that you can customize the your Google homepage with modules that contain news, weather and other useful information. These modules have become quite a collection of homepage widgets. Now there's one to help you memorize scripture.

It's pretty cool. It will give you one verse a week to memorize. At the beginning of the week it shows you the whole verse. Then it will begin to take away words. Every time you go to your homepage you read the verse and try to remember the missing words. By the end of the week all the words are gone and you've memorized the verse!

Check it out at: Verse-A-Week

Attention Youth: This may be an excellent alternative to the "Hidden Treasures" component in our spiritual HABITS program. If you are online a lot you will probably find it works better than the little cards.