Local church revolution part...
I'm just going to drop the numbers because I don't know how many of these there will be.
Can we talk about "worship" for a minute?
The word "worship" has several meanings. It is both a noun and a verb. For the sake of this post I want to consider worship as an action word that means "ardent devotion; adoration." (1)
We say that we worship money or that we worship a certain music group or we worship a certain person or a certain activity. The truth is not that we worship the wrong things. It's just that we overuse the word worship. A lot of people devote a lot of their time to the pursuit of money and riches. I don't think that's exactly the same as having a devotion or adoration of wealth. To be consumed by something is not the same as loving it. Case in point, I spend a lot of time on the Internet. My wife has accused me of letting the Internet become my god. It is true that I am fascinated by the Internet and exploring it is one of my favorite things to do. But, I don't have any devotion to the Internet or my computer. To say I worship the Internet is a misuse of the word.
It is technically correct (according to the dictionary) to refer the ceremonies and rites that surround the practice of religion as worship. That's not the kind of worship I'm talking about though. Music style and preaching and sacrements are activities that we associate with worship but you can participate in all of those without truly worshiping. You can be present in a church service and not have any sense of adoration or devotion to the One who is the subject of the event.
True worship is not just the expression of worship. True worship is a condition of the heart. It is ardent devotion and adoration.
Worship of God comes from meeting Him and understanding ourselves in the context of Him. When we see ourselves in context with the Creator of the Universe then we cannot help but to worship him. We are microscopic, completely insignificant next to His greatness and yet He humbled Himself and and was murdered so our relationship with Him could be restored. When you feel His Love you will know that it is real. When you get a glimpse of the depth of His love you cannot help but to worship Him with ardent adoration.
Worship isn't about the things you do, it is about the motivation behind those things. Singing can be worship whether the song is from the hymnal or the latest TobyMac CD. That is because singing as an act of worship comes from the heart of the worshipper. The same goes for tithing, praying, serving others and every other aspect of Christian religion. These are all empty without the context of God's love. These things are worship when they are expressions of the worshiper's devotion to God.
So what's the action step for the local church? Stop misusing the word worship. Don't call empty traditions worship. Don't confuse people's enthusiasm for worldy things with worship. Don't argue about "worship" style. Instead paint a picture of true worship for your members. Challenge them to find that place of devotion where they can worship God from their hearts.
Footnotes for Pastor Chris. You know I love you man!
1. Dictionary.com : http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=worship