Planet Stewardship
Almost everything in this country is politicized. How you feel about the war, religion, education, welfare, immigration and the environment are all divided neatly into two categories; Republican and Democrat. I realize that I'm speaking in generalities but for the most part Evangelical Christian = Republican. Another example; Environmentalist = Democrat.
Now whether these generalizations are right or wrong is a matter for another post. What concerns me is that environmental issues are seen as the realm of Al Gore and Rock Stars. Today is the "Live Earth" concert event to raise awareness about Global Warming. Popular culture is doing it's part but I'm afraid that environmental issues are not getting enough attention in the pulpits of America. Some preachers have the time deride Hillary Clinton or Paris Hilton but they can't speak to their congregations about their carbon footprint?
This is a Biblical issue. On the sixth day in Genesis account of creation, God made all the animals and plants for man and gave man dominion over them (Genesis 1:24-30). He put Adam in the Garden of Eden and told him to take care of it (Genesis 2:15). In a fallen World maybe there are higher priorities but I don't see where God ever took this responsibility back. He gave mankind the responsibility for tending to all of Creation. Therefore, environmentalism is a cause that Christians should be on the forefront of promoting.
The planet is now a political football. It's thrown around in campaign speeches with a good mix of junk science from both sides. However, it doesn't make you a liberal or a conservative if you conserve water, or drive a more fuel efficient car. Recycling shouldn't be a matter for Democrats or Republicans. Caring for the planet is the job of all the descendants of Adam. I think it's time for the Church to set the standard and take environmentalism back from those who feign concern for political gain.